
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Vignettes from around the house

coffee table with sunflowers
Mr. Cranky made the tiles for this table in the early seventies. The table was made by our very talented friends, David Simon and Bill Toney (they have a store). The pitcher with a pair of birds was made by our friends from Astoria, Michael and Lorna Zametkin. The sunflowers were from Trader Joe's and wilted way too soon. 
nice birds
My son made this clay head in middle school ceramics class. I put the little crystal on the forehead and placed it with a small sculpture made by Mr. Cranky.

Since we are using our dog kennel for a baby chick house, maybe we need one of these.


  1. Thanks for sharing the pics from around your home. Wow, those DenHaus homes are totally cool.

  2. wonderful stuff! Oh dear, there go those William Morris urges again :-)


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