
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tales; what would Ranger do?

Ranger is thinking

This image was inspired by my brother's comment on this post.
He said: "I wanna see a "What would Ranger do?" plate.
With Ranger on it.
That would be cool.
I would definitely buy that plate.
When presented with a conundrum, I could consult the plate.
It would probably result in carpal tunnel syndrome, but it would be so worth it."

Hahaha. I'm actually going to do it. I love Ranger. And my brother.


  1. Awwwwww.... (Sniff) I love you too, Sis.

    Now, after consulting my newest oracle, I'm going to go play Tetris.

  2. Your brother is a ball of hilarity, rolled in nut-free nuts.


I love comments.